Resume Structure Tips

Read these 8 Resume Structure Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Resume tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How long should my resume be?

Resume Length

Limit the length of your resume to 1-2 pages. You may be tempted to list everything you have ever done, thinking the longer the better, right?

Remember, your resume is a tool for generating sufficient interest to secure job interviews, not jobs. Think of your resume as a teaser so they will want to meet the real thing!

Use the interview process to provide more detailed descriptions of your accomplishments and skills.

Are there any aesthetic tips to keep in mind when creating a resume?

Aesthetic Resume Tips

How your resume looks can be as important as what it contains. You don't want your target employer to be distracted by poor formatting or overwhelmed by text. Keep the following aesthetic tips in mind when creating your resume:

1. Don't strain a recruiter's eyes by using a font size that is smaller than 10 pt.
2. Avoid large fonts. They waste space and may seem comical.
3. Avoid fancy fonts that may be distracting and hard to read.
4. Use the same font throughout your resume.
5. Leave white space. Crowded text is difficult to read.
6. Use bulleted text to increase ease of reading.

View free sample resumes online to get more resume structure tips and techniques.

What information should be included at the top of my resume?

Resume Contact Information

According to most resume structure tips, all of your contact information should be included at the top of your resume. Be sure to include the following information:

1. Name (Don't include nicknames unless you're applying for a disc jockey position.)
2. Permanent address
3. Phone numbers (home, cell, work)
4. Email address
5. Website (if relevant to job aspirations)

Correct contact information is key. Don't let a typo stop you from getting the job you want!

Should I use bulleted sentences or long paragraphs to describe my work experience?

Sentences or Paragraphs in a Resume

Don't overwhelm your prospect with big chunks of text. Even though it may look impressive, in reality, no one wants to read that much, You should use bulleted sentences, not paragraphs, to describe your work experience.

An important Resume Structure Tip: Resumes are read quickly, and bulleted sentences are much easier to read than long paragraphs. These bulleted sentences should also begin with action words, such as “developed,” “initiated,” or “managed.” Action words add strength to your resume.

What elements should be included in the education field of my resume?

Educational Background in a Resume

Your educational background should be included at the beginning of your resume if you are a recent graduate and at the end of your resume if you are an experienced professional.

Compare examples of entry level resumes and professional resumes to determine other differences in how to write a resume.

The following elements should be included in the education field of your resume:

1. Your most recent educational information should be listed first.
2. Include the name of the educational institution, followed by the name of the degree and the major.
3. Add your G.P.A. if it was 3.0 or greater. This becomes less relevant as your career progresses.
4. Mention academic honors, if any.

Some people suggest that you include the date of your graduation, and some believe that you shouldn't include it. You may consider excluding it if you're concerned about age discrimination.

What are the most common resume formats (styles)?

Resume Formats

There are two main resume formats: reverse chronological and functional.

In the (reverse) chronological format, job experience is listed chronologically (obviously), with the most recent job experience first. This is the resume format that is preferred by employers, and, therefore, should be preferred by you. It is appropriate for people who have worked consistently and have been part of the workforce for several years.

The functional resume describes skills and experience without mentioning dates. This format is appropriate for those who are just entering the workforce or have extremely large gaps in their work history.

What elements do I need to include in my work history?

Resume Work History

There are several items that are compulsory in a resume's work history description (reverse chronological format).

1. Job title
2. Name of organization, and, if applicable, division
3. Work location (city, state)
4. Dates of employment (year or month/year)
5. List of accomplishments

The order of these items can be rearranged, but the accomplishments should always be last.

What is a correct resume structure?

Correct Resume Structure

Like all written materials, effective resume writing depends on organization and clarity and on how well the document is structured.

Perhaps you are someone whose accomplishments take paragraphs to explain – have you thought of using bullets?

Maybe you are a new graduate without much content and you are using a giant font to compensate? Learn what to avoid and what to embrace when creating your resume. Find some great tips to guide you into a clear and cogent resume structure that will get you the job you want!

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Heidi Splete